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Easy Ways to Exercise Your Dog
Let me begin with a confession. My dogs are two months overdue for their shots and checkups. Why you ask…to be quite honest I’m avoiding the scolding from the vet! My 2-year-old beagle-border collie mix (Cocoa) had gone from a fit medium-build ball of energy to a lethargic “are you sure that’s not Jabba the Hut†within the past year. This is changing and we are now scheduled to see the vet in 2 weeks.
There are several reasons for this sudden (and massive) weight gain. When Cocoa and I married a year ago we gained several additional family members to our circle… two dogs, a cat, several turtles, and two children. It sounds like there would be a lot of activity going on at our place, and there is—but the company of two other dogs means there are two additional food bowls, from which sneaking food is Cocoa’s favorite pastime. My schedule has changed too, and the evenings I would usually take her for a run are now filled with getting dinner on the table and homework! Also, as many of you are aware, the first year of marriage typically adds pounds to the pet owner as well…..I only gained a few (Coco gained way too much) until I made a serious effort to get back in control of my health and my dog’s health!
Here are some easy ways to get in some extra activity for you and your furry family members without totally altering your schedule. All you need is 15 minutes a day to see a difference. Change up your routine daily to make it interesting and work different muscle groups. Start slow and increase as tolerated. Always check with your doctor/vet prior to starting a significant exercise program if you and your pet are significantly obese.
Throw the ball to your dog and do air squats while waiting for the dog to retrieve the ball to you.
Set a goal for the number of times you are going to throw the ball a day rather than waiting for the moment  when you feel like it. Increase the number of air squats as you get quicker or in better shape.
Use obstacles in your yard or apartment complex toexercise you and your dog.
The best example of this is stairs. Get you and your pup going up and down a few flights a day. It’s sure to get both you and your heart pumping. No stairs? No problem. Look for other things you can use as obstacles in your to get them running and jumping—for example, a broom stick elevated a feet off the ground makes an easy-to-create obstacle. No stairs or broom stick options? Do “high knees†or “butt kickers†as you and your dog do a quick walk. Increase this to running if you and your dog are medically up for it.
Poo Doo has the ultimate hand’s free leash for your athletic needs and it can hold more than one dog if you have several!
Put the fork down and quit feeding your dog table scraps and terrible dog food!
Although good dog food can be expensive, it is worth it. Giving your dog cheap dog food is like going to McDonald’s 2-3 meals a day. Of course their health is going to suffer just as yours will if you continue to eat crappy food. Half your portion size if trying to lose weight and limit your bread, pasta’s, potatoes, and sweets!
Good luck!
–Ginny McCord
Fitness instructor
Dog Parent
–Rhonda Pinkerman
Nurse Practitioner
Owner of Poo Doo
Dog Parent