
  • Poodoo: What to look for in number 2

    This week we are diving into the chemistry behind your dogs’ poo! Now, you may be snickering
    a little, but this is a very serious topic. Fido’s poop tells us if he is getting enough water, nutrients, and overall healthy. A veterinarian should examine your pups’ stool on an annual basis. They have the expertise and technology to discover parasites and other ailments before the naked eye can.

    Now that you understand the importance of monitoring their poo, let’s look into what we should be on the lookout for.

    Hazardous Colors:

    Dark Green: Most likely you pup has been eating of a lot grass, be on the lookout for any

    Black: Indicated there is some form of bleeding. The stool turns black when the red blood is

    Red Stools: Indicates there is fresh blood which can result from intense straining while passing. If this is paired with vomiting and a distinctive odor, it could be a parvo virus.

    Green/Yellow: This gives warning signs that something is wrong with their liver. Please consult a vet right away.

    Polka Dot: If you see white polka dot looking patterns, this is a sign of worms. There are
    several treatments available.


    As owners, we should be looking at their stools to ensure we know what is “should†look like. This is important as it gives you a baseline to compare to. If you pup has one stool that is off, take note, but do not rush them to the vet. Instead, keep monitoring for consistency among the stools and if they show flags of distress, seek medical attention. Also, most dogs should pass stool 1-2 times a day and sometimes up to 4. Be on the lookout if there is a sudden decrease or they stop completely.


    If you are feeding your dog commercial dog food, you may notice their stools are large in size. This is due to the manufactures using “fillers†in their food. Just like us, this fills their stomachs up based on volume, not nutrients. Feeding your dog commercial dog food could be equivalent to feeding yourself daily McDonalds! When you start feeding your Fido a healthy diet, his stool size will lessen as he is absorbing more nutrients. You can compare your dog food with this handy dog food comparison chart on I am not a sales rep for this company but I have noticed a big difference in the amount of stool my dog produces (very little) and how awesome my dog’s coat looks with this food. Although Poo Doo Leash can’t control how much your dog poo’s, we have a couple of products that will help you take care of number 2! Check out this overview of one of our great leashes; stop carrying number 2!

  • Run Fido, Run

    **Disclaimer** The Poo Doo crew are not veterinarians! We are however committed to researching legitimate evidence based websites and books. Always have a conversation with your doctor/vet prior to starting an exercise program!When and how long should we run with our dogs?

    So you may have just finished a half marathon or a 5k, but this doesn’t mean your Fido should be doing the same. To ensure you aren’t over running your pup, you should take them to see the vet prior to increasing your pups running distance! You too you should have a yearly check up. Once you both are in the clear, be sure to start warming up by completing longer walks and then transition into running. All to often, pet owners believe they are the only ones who need a warm up before hitting the trail or pavement. Warm up that fur baby by walking prior to increasing your speed.


    We cannot stress this enough, if you are running in an unfamiliar place, you need to have water for you and your FRIEND. No, pond or lake water does not suffice. In our area, several of the streams have had Giardia (the parasite occurs worldwide and is a common cause of “Traveler’s Diarrhea” in people and can make your doggie sick) so make sure you carry water. If you are like me, you aren’t fond of running with clunky items. I often put a small water bottle in my Poo Doo pouch if not being used for bagged pet waste (obviously) and the portable Poo Doo water bowl.

    Puppy Health

    For those who have puppies, you should wait at least 8 months before you take your pup running. This is pivotal during their early months as they are developing their bones and muscles. If you have a larger breed, you may have to wait even longer as it takes large/giant breeds longer to develop. When in doubt, see your vet to get clearance.

    Running Breeds

    Are you thinking about adopting a new pup and taking them along with you on runs? Believe it or not, there are breeds that are better suited to run alongside you than others.

    Non-Running Breeds

    Not all dogs are runners. Some of the following dogs should avoid running (not walking) due to airway restrictions:

    1. Pug
    2. Bulldog
    3. Mastiff


    Owners should be on the look out for injuries related to running. Some signs/symptoms of dog related injuries include: hyperventilating, excessive salivation, limping, overall wear on pads, and heat stroke. Just like you need new tennis shoes after 500 miles of use and have aches/pains related to running, your pooch can be experiencing similar injuries. Make sure you know the signs/symptoms of injury for your specific breed by discussing with your veterinarian.

    Happy running from the Poo Doo Team!

  • Fall is Finally Upon Us

    Fall is finally upon us and what better way to embrace the cooler weather than a run with your fido?
    We are enjoying the brisk weather, fall festivals, and all things outdoors. The weather is welcomed by my dogs as they are becoming friskier with the cooler breezes. We are running more than usual and taking advantages of the beautiful evenings that are upon us.

    I absolutely love running when using our Hands Free leash because I can run as if I am running by myself. No more having to worry about keys, phone, leash, and doggy bags. I find myself running more naturally when using our leash and not having to struggle.
    Just like us, our pups love a change of scenery because of the fresh sights and sounds. With that in mind, below you will find 5 walks that are dog friendly. Some of the races are different distances; please ensure it is a healthy distance for your FIDO.

    Below you will find information on 5 dog walks that are within driving distance of Nashville, our headquarters. Enjoy Fall!

    Strut Your Mutt
    Date: Sunday, October 10th
    Cost: $15-$45.00
    St. Louis, MO
    Carondelet Park
    3900 Holly Hills Dr.

    Assault on Kennesaw Mountain
    122nd Regiment (Regional Training Institute)
    Cost: $35.00
    770 Kennesaw Ave
    Marietta, GA
    Assault on Kennesaw

    Walk for the Animals
    Atlanta Humane Society
    Date: Sunday, October 18th
    Cost: 0-Donations
    1380 Atlantic Drive, Suite 14250
    Atlanta, GA 30363

    Trick or Trot
    Kid One Transport
    Date: Saturday, October 24th
    Cost: $25.00
    20 32nd St. N. Birmingham, AL 35222

    Be A Hero! 5k Orphan Run
    Project 143
    Date: Saturday, October 31st
    Cost: $15.00-$25.00
    5991 Hwy 2 Epworth, GA

    Sportsbarn Turkey Trot
    Date: Thursday, November 26th
    Cost: $20.00-$27.00
    301 Market St
    Chattanooga, TN 37402

  • Pet your Soul with the Poodoo Leash

    “A person can learn a lot from a dog. My dog taught me about living each day with unbridled exuberance and joy, about seizing the moment and following your heart. He taught me to appreciate the simple things- a walk in the woods, a fresh snowfall, a nap in the shaft of winter sunlight. As he grew old and achy, he taught me about optimism in the face of adversity. Mostly, he taught me about friendship and selflessness, and above all else, unwavering loyalty.†– John Grogan


    Dogs are constantly teaching people very important lessons about living in the moment, jumping for joy and simply enjoying the journey. Their unconditional love sets forth the underlying lesson within every religion. Love. Is that not why all dogs go to heaven?


    Joyously wagging their tails and thrilled to see us every time we return, they are able to warm our hearts and uplift our souls. Is that not what love does? Few dog lovers need convincing that their best friend brings health and happiness into their lives. What they may need convincing of is their daily fitness regimen.


    Fitness has the tendency to be very motivating but not everyone is easily motivated to do it. Perhaps that’s why it is said that half of the battle is just showing up. Having a workout partner, perhaps even your best friend, can make showing up just a little bit easier. A little motivation coupled with some unconditional love can get you a long way in life. Whether you are looking to go for a quick walk, long jog or tackle a workout, incorporate puppy love into your daily workout grind with the Poo Doo Leash and of course the portable water bowl!


    Here is the first of the customizable workouts for you and your dog using the Poo Doo Hands Free Leash:


    Workout #1:


    Warm up by gentle walking for 8 minutes with you and Fido.   Based on Fido’s health and your health either jog/sprint/ or walk doing the following:


    100M Run (328 feet)

    40 Walking Lunges with Straight Arm Lateral Holds (Both arms out to the side and parallel to ground)

    200M Run  (656 feet)

    20 Walking Lunges with Straight Arm Lateral Holds

    400M Run (1,312 feet)

    10 Walking Lunges with Straight Arm Lateral Holds

    200M Run

    20 Walking Lunges with Straight Arm Lateral Holds

    100M Run


    Hope you and your best friend have a wonderful workout!

    Inspired by,

    Charlie Sloane

    [email protected]

  • Easy Ways to Exercise Your Dog

    Let me begin with a confession. My dogs are two months overdue for their shots and checkups. Why you ask…to be quite honest I’m avoiding the scolding from the vet! My 2-year-old beagle-border collie mix (Cocoa) had gone from a fit medium-build ball of energy to a lethargic “are you sure that’s not Jabba the Hut†within the past year. This is changing and we are now scheduled to see the vet in 2 weeks.

    There are several reasons for this sudden (and massive) weight gain. When Cocoa and I married a year ago we gained several additional family members to our circle… two dogs, a cat, several turtles, and two children. It sounds like there would be a lot of activity going on at our place, and there is—but the company of two other dogs means there are two additional food bowls, from which sneaking food is Cocoa’s favorite pastime. My schedule has changed too, and the evenings I would usually take her for a run are now filled with getting dinner on the table and homework! Also, as many of you are aware, the first year of marriage typically adds pounds to the pet owner as well…..I only gained a few (Coco gained way too much) until I made a serious effort to get back in control of my health and my dog’s health!

    Here are some easy ways to get in some extra activity for you and your furry family members without totally altering your schedule. All you need is 15 minutes a day to see a difference. Change up your routine daily to make it interesting and work different muscle groups. Start slow and increase as tolerated. Always check with your doctor/vet prior to starting a significant exercise program if you and your pet are significantly obese.

    Throw the ball to your dog and do air squats while waiting for the dog to retrieve the ball to you.

    Set a goal for the number of times you are going to throw the ball a day rather than waiting for the moment  when you feel like it. Increase the number of air squats as you get quicker or in better shape.

    Use obstacles in your yard or apartment complex toexercise you and your dog.

    The best example of this is stairs. Get you and your pup going up and down a few flights a day. It’s sure to get both you and your heart pumping. No stairs? No problem. Look for other things you can use as obstacles in your to get them running and jumping—for example, a broom stick elevated a feet off the ground makes an easy-to-create obstacle. No stairs or broom stick options? Do “high knees†or “butt kickers†as you and your dog do a quick walk. Increase this to running if you and your dog are medically up for it.

    Poo Doo has the ultimate hand’s free leash for your athletic needs and it can hold more than one dog if you have several!

    Put the fork down and quit feeding your dog table scraps and terrible dog food!

    Although good dog food can be expensive, it is worth it. Giving your dog cheap dog food is like going to McDonald’s 2-3 meals a day. Of course their health is going to suffer just as yours will if you continue to eat crappy food. Half your portion size if trying to lose weight and limit your bread, pasta’s, potatoes, and sweets!

    Good luck!

    –Ginny McCord

    Fitness instructor


    Dog Parent

    –Rhonda Pinkerman

    Nurse Practitioner

    Owner of Poo Doo

    Dog Parent

  • First Blog

    First Blog

    A black and white drawing of a dog 's facePoo Doo’s first blog. So much to write about and so little time! The love for running my 3 dogs lead to the development of the patent pending Poo Doo hands-free running leash and thus to this blog. First a little background about Poo Doo which will influence the upcoming topics. Poo Doo’s background is in the healthcare industry as a Nurse Practitioner with interests in fitness, nutrition, and disease prevention. Poo Doo has no veterinary training or canine training. However, Poo Doo does have connections to the vet and canine training types (who will be guest authors) as well as the intelligence to read and interpret pertinent research articles regarding your pet.

    Upcoming topics to be discussed in the next month include: exercise routines with your dog, first aid for your pooch, and a discussion on therapy/service dogs. Please check back in the next few weeks. Feel free to email me with blog topics you would like discussed!

    Have a great weekend and remember to get your Poo Doo Leash “because poo happensâ€.